Heavy Metals Testing

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Many industries utilize chemicals or processes that exposure workers to heavy metals such as lead, mercury, copper, or zinc. These industries include construction, mining, radiator repair shops, and firing ranges.

Heavy metal testing (trace metal analysis) is used to screen for the presence of various naturally occurring metals in individuals, monitor exposure to these metals, or evaluate suspected heavy metal toxicity in individuals who may have been exposed to them in the workplace.


Shift OHS has contracted the services of several laboratories to provide this blood testing. We will provide the requisition form to the employee and the results will be reported from the laboratory to Shift OHS. This information will then be reported to the appropriate company representative.

How to Get Started.

We will contact you within 24 hours and will get you a plan within 48 hours.

Contact Us

Contact us by calling our head office (403-343-6869) or filling out our new client form.


Contact Us

Contact us by calling our head office (403-343-6869) or filling out our new client form.

Quick Assesment

We contact you within 24 hours to book a quick assessment to discuss your company’s needs.


Quick Assesment

We contact you within 24 hours to book a quick assessment to discuss your company’s needs.

Implementation Plan

One of our occupational health & safety specialists will get back to you within 48 hours with an initial implementation plan and any quotes needed to get started.


Implementation Plan

One of our occupational health & safety specialists will get back to you within 48 hours with an initial implementation plan and any quotes needed to get started.